segunda-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2017

The American civil war

The American civil war began in the 1860s, the United States was already consolidated in a nation of remarkable progress, ready to take a prominent place in the economic and political world. Except that internal issues totally delayed the country's advance to higher levels. This may be a modest way of referring to the south of the country, which had brutal economic and social differences from the north. These differences are largely explained by the initial colonization of the two regions. In the north there was an occupation of permanence, where the settlers had the objective of making the lands that occupied their permanent abode. In the south, the colonial system chosen was similar to that of the one employed in Cuba or Brazil, with the predominance of large estates dedicated to monoculture (plantation), use of slave labor (which had already been extinguished in the north) and Extreme dependence on imported industrialized products.

 Soon as the Second Industrial Revolution progressed, restrictions on slavery grew stronger and stronger, but the great southern farmers refused to give up their cheap labor. The North / South divide and free-slave states / states became increasingly polarized in all parts of society, leading to political debate: which way should the United States of America, the South Slavocratic, or the cosmopolitan and industrial North ? The issue would only be settled by guns and bloody combats.

 Thus, the main causes of the outbreak of the American civil war were slavery, north-south contrasts, exacerbated southern nationalism at the time, interstate tariffs, which incalculated northern industrialized products to the detriment of southern agricultural products, regional issues , And the definitive fuse of the war: the election of Abraham Lincoln, Republican, openly proclaimed for the liberation of the slaves in the south.

 With Lincoln elected, South Carolina is the first state to split on December 24, 1860. The following year, the other states of economy and similar political philosophy would follow in their footsteps, forming the Confederate States of America. The north, under Lincoln's rule, remains inert, watching the Confederate movements led by Jefferson Davis.

The conflict began in 1861, with the southern attack on Fort Sumter, provoking the reaction of the Union

 Soon disparities become clear, and the result of northern industrialization proves effective in winning the war. Equipped with the most modern armaments, including long-range cannons and even the first submarines, the north has from the outset undermined the Confederate forces, which, based on cavalry, end up relying only on the bravery of their fighters, Famous general Robert E. Lee, who even on several occasions of disadvantage, achieved important victories to the south.

 In 1864 the victory of the north was already evident, and the south could not win another battle resisting only another year in the American civil war. In 1865 Lincoln gave the long-awaited freedom to the slaves of the liberated territories of the south, entering into the history of the United States as a courageous and determined leader in one of the most difficult moments of that country's history. He would not, however, live to reap the rewards of his efforts by being murdered inside a theater by an actor sympathetic to the southern cause.

This is why in some maps the call of war is divided into the United States of America and the United States of South America, so when to start in North America dominate the whole territory, attacking even the canada there is no alliance in that piece of Earth and only the strongest must remain. Good luck dear call of war generals

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