domingo, 22 de janeiro de 2017

Important Reminder day 22/01

Dear Generals,
during the past night the diplomatic relations in many games were completely reset to peace. In addition, they couldn't be changed to something else. Out emergency team has been working intensely on a solution and has come so far that setting relations is possible again and mandatory relations for teams/coalitions got restored. All other relations for now have to be restored manually. We deeply regret this incident and further measures/compensations will follow as soon as possible.
Your Call of War Emergency team.

This was the message that was on the call of war notifications page when I entered, so I soon thought I gave shit, I went to search in some forums and it seems that the central server was invaded by some people of bad nature and they played the game, but like It was said, the emergency team is taking care of what happened and then as soon as things return to normal, rest assured that the only thing that changed was the combat system so it was not affected much.

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