Caros generais
é hora de nossa corrida armamentista e do desafio de gerenciar e coordenar as enormes quantidades de unidades e recursos que são fornecidos neste mapa no dia 1. Cinco tanques leves, quatro tanques médios, três unidades de artilharia, duas infanterias mecanizadas, duas anti- Unidades de tanque, um comando e uma unidade anti-aérea serão estacionados em todas as províncias urbanas protegendo seus edifícios já totalmente atualizados, prontos para receber pedidos. Em todas as províncias não urbanas, você encontrará três unidades de infantaria.
Período de inscrição: 13 de abril, 11h CEST - 16 de abril, 11h CEST
Velocidade 2x
1º lugar (única vitória) recebe 10.000 Gold + VP como recompensa
começa quando cheio
seleção aleatória de país
jogadores marcados como inativos após 2 dias reais
AI e período de paz do jogador humano de 1 dia da vida real
Melhorias adicionais e correções de bugs com o lançamento de hoje:
Melhoramos ainda mais as estatísticas da janela (por exemplo, dicas de ferramentas adicionadas)
Agora você poderá ver ícones humanos / inativos / IA próximos à capital no nível de zoom mínimo.
As informações do jogo não mostrariam se o jogo tinha Elite-AI e / ou coalizões. Isso foi consertado.
Agora você pode convidar outros jogadores para sua aliança acessando seu perfil de usuário.
Em alguns casos, a mudança das relações diplomáticas com os membros da coalizão não foi possível através do painel de Diplomacia. Isso foi consertado.
O jornal do jogo foi afetado por uma série de bugs que levaram à redefinição de artigos ao trocar de página. Estes foram corrigidos. Além disso, os filtros agora também permanecem aplicados depois de fechar e reabrir o jornal.
Na administração da aliança, renomeamos a classificação "Moderador" para "Oficial" para melhor refletir as fileiras militares.
Em alguns casos, o ícone da caixa não foi clicável no mapa. Corrigimos esse problema.
Sua equipe do Call of War
quinta-feira, 12 de abril de 2018
Dear generals,
it is time again for our Arms Race event and the challenge to manage and coordinate the massive amounts of units and resources that are provided on this map on day 1. Five light tanks, four medium tanks, three artillery units, two mechanized infantries, two anti-tank units, one commando and one anti-air unit will be stationed in all urban provinces protecting your already fully upgraded buildings, ready to receive orders. In all non-urban provinces you will find three infantry units.
Sign-up period: April 13, 11 AM CEST - April 16, 11 am CEST
2x speed
1st place (solo victory) receives 10,000 Gold + VP as reward
random country selection
players flagged as inactive after 2 real-life days
AI & human player peace period of 1 real-life day
Additional improvements and bug fixes with today’s release:
We improved the new statistics window even further (e.g. added tooltips)
You will now be able to see human/inactive/AI icons next to the capital at the minimum zoom level.
The game information would not show whether a game had Elite-AI and/or coalitions. This has been fixed.
You are now able to invite other players into your alliance by accessing their user profile.
In some cases, changing diplomatic relations with coalition members was not possible via the Diplomacy panel. This has been fixed.
The in-game newspaper was affected by a number of bugs which led to articles not being displayed or filters being reset when switching pages. These have been fixed. In addition, filters now also remain applied after closing and reopening the newspaper.
In the alliance administration, we renamed the "Moderator" rank to "Officer" to better reflect military ranks.
In some cases the supply crate icon was not clickable on the map, we fixed this issue.
Your Call of War team
it is time again for our Arms Race event and the challenge to manage and coordinate the massive amounts of units and resources that are provided on this map on day 1. Five light tanks, four medium tanks, three artillery units, two mechanized infantries, two anti-tank units, one commando and one anti-air unit will be stationed in all urban provinces protecting your already fully upgraded buildings, ready to receive orders. In all non-urban provinces you will find three infantry units.
Sign-up period: April 13, 11 AM CEST - April 16, 11 am CEST
2x speed
1st place (solo victory) receives 10,000 Gold + VP as reward
random country selection
players flagged as inactive after 2 real-life days
AI & human player peace period of 1 real-life day
Additional improvements and bug fixes with today’s release:
We improved the new statistics window even further (e.g. added tooltips)
You will now be able to see human/inactive/AI icons next to the capital at the minimum zoom level.
The game information would not show whether a game had Elite-AI and/or coalitions. This has been fixed.
You are now able to invite other players into your alliance by accessing their user profile.
In some cases, changing diplomatic relations with coalition members was not possible via the Diplomacy panel. This has been fixed.
The in-game newspaper was affected by a number of bugs which led to articles not being displayed or filters being reset when switching pages. These have been fixed. In addition, filters now also remain applied after closing and reopening the newspaper.
In the alliance administration, we renamed the "Moderator" rank to "Officer" to better reflect military ranks.
In some cases the supply crate icon was not clickable on the map, we fixed this issue.
Your Call of War team
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